Businessmodel innovatie in de creatieve sector loopt achter


De creatieve sector is bovenal bezig met creatieve innovatie. Daarnaast zijn het de vragen van klanten die prioriteit krijgen. Of hun businessmodel nog wel van deze tijd is en hoe hun organisatie profijtelijker kan functioneren zijn zaken die erbij in schieten. Lees hier over het onderzoek van Maria Rita Micheli, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) en zie het filmpje.



The creative sector was hit hardest during the financial crisis, and innovating business models was a matter of urgency. Yet many companies in the creative industry still do not know how to innovate themselves to make the most of business opportunities.  Research by Maria Rita Micheli  reveals companies from all sectors can learn from their mistakes.

“The main focus of creative minds is on artistic innovation - not on innovating their business model.”

Sectors at the core of innovation – such as design, the gaming industry and architecture – struggle with innovating their business models because of a low interest in business aspects. The creative minds of artists might be unaware of their current business model, and not interested in innovating it. Their main focus is on artistic innovation and on customer preferences.

In addition, the creative sector contains a large proportion of very small companies with small capital and managers might decide not to invest resources to spend on external consultants who could help. And there is no other industry in which customer’s reactions to the end product shape business models as much as in the creative sector. Companies might make the mistake to excessively focus on customers' requests instead of implementing their innovation plans.

Companies can innovate their business models by not investing all of their resources in getting a central position in their networks, but instead getting a position to get relevant information to enhance the innovative process.
Moreover, employees and managers’ goals have to be aligned and work together on the innovative process. This helps the company to implement long-term changes, acquire new capabilities and even re-structure the organisation for better ways of working, or for greater efficiency.

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Leiderschap & innovatie is een belangrijk onderdeel van de Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Meer informatie over deze deeltijd opleiding treft u hier of bezoek een van de voorlichtingsavonden.

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